Public Relations

Public Relations is not what it used to be. Entropic understands that the media landscape has changed, and digital publishing is more powerful than ever. It’s wonderful to have a beautiful new website, but how do you build awareness and credibility? Our media specialist is a 20-year PR veteran who understands the media landscape and has worked with business-to-business and business-to-consumer enterprises and small businesses across every imaginable sector. She will help you galvanize your story.

Getting “ink” is not as simple as putting out a press release. It requires strategic planning, and artful storytelling. It requires knowing who will care about your story and getting the timing right so that your message is received by the audience you are trying to reach. At Entropic, we approach Public Relations as holistically as we do every other piece of the marketing puzzle. And, we put the pieces together to make them work in a more integrated way, for a more powerful and lasting impact.

From Message Development, to Press Release writing, to conducting Media Outreach, or even arranging an “Influencer Vision Dinner,” we can make it happen. Want to know more about what an “Influencer Vision Dinner” is? Ask us!